Terms and Conditions


You have just logged in to the website www.7avhotels.com & www.7avhotels.ma of the company 7eme Avenue Hotels. You must carefully read the following provisions as they constitute a contract establishing the general conditions of services and services of the company 7eme Avenue Hotels.
The "click" that you will perform after filling in your reservation constitutes the validation of your order and will constitute an irrevocable acceptance of these general conditions.
Therefore, you can only book services if you accept the conditions set out below.


The following general terms and conditions govern all transactions made on the web catalog of 7eme Avenue Hotels. Any reservation made on this site implies the unconditional and irrevocable acceptance by the customer of these conditions.


This contract is a distance contract which has as its object the definition of the rights and obligations of the parties in the context of the sale of the services of the company 7eme Avenue Hotels, on the Internet, through the CMI Reserver.ma payment gateway, a service and a trademark registered by 7eme Avenue Hotels S.A.R.L.


In the following contract, each of the expressions mentioned above shall be understood in its definition, namely:
• "Distance contract": any contract concerning goods or services between the company 7eme Avenue Hotels and a Consumer in the context of a system of services provided remotely by the company 7eme Avenue Hotels which, for this contract, uses exclusively the Internet network until the conclusion of the contract, including the conclusion of the contract itself.
• "Consumer": any natural person who, in this contract, acts for purposes that do not fall within the scope of their professional activity.
• "Order form": a document indicating the characteristics of the Services ordered by the Consumer and which must be signed by him by "double-click" to commit him.
• "Order or Reservation": the act by which the Consumer undertakes to purchase services and the company 7eme Avenue Hotels to deliver them.


All services listed in the catalog are marketed until stocks are exhausted. 7eme Avenue Hotels reserves the right to withdraw an item from the catalog, without notice, and in no case can it be held liable to compensate or cancel a reservation due to the inability to use the reserved service for a personal reason of the buyer.

Making a Reservation

After finding the service(s) that interest you, click the "Book" button, and the service will be added to your order form. You can modify your order form at any time, and you can return to the homepage.
When you have completed your reservation, validate your order by clicking the "Pay" button.
In case of an error on your part when entering information on the order form, we recommend that you send us a cancellation request by email within 24 hours; After cancellation of the order by 7eme Avenue Hotels, you can place a new order.


The prices mentioned in the catalog are in Moroccan dirhams inclusive of all taxes, are valid at the time of consultation by the customer, and are those in effect at the time of the order.

Execution of the Order

The order will be executed no later than within 7 days from the day following the day the Consumer placed their reservation.
In case of unavailability of the ordered Service, the Consumer will be informed as soon as possible and will have the option to cancel the order.
They will then have the choice to request either a refund of the sums paid within thirty days at the latest from their payment, or the exchange of the Service.

Method of Payment

To pay for your reservation, you choose the payment method from those offered by 7eme Avenue Hotels on the payment page.
Your payments are secured by the interbank monetary center, which offers a fully secure payment service.
The Consumer guarantees 7eme Avenue Hotels that they have the necessary authorizations, if necessary, to use the payment method chosen by them when validating the Order Form. In the case of payment by credit card, the provisions relating to the fraudulent use of the means of payment provided for in the agreements concluded between the Consumer and the card issuer apply between 7eme Avenue Hotels and its bank.

Data Confidentiality

The information requested from you is necessary for the processing of your order and is processed confidentially.
You have a right to rectify data concerning you. You may receive advertisements from 7eme Avenue Hotels unless you have stated that you refuse the use of your personal data for these purposes.
Canceling a reservation paid by credit card
The cancellation policy is determined by our partners and service providers, so it is important to carefully read the cancellation terms for each service or reservation.

Proof of Transactions Paid by Credit Card

The data recorded by Maroc Telecommerce S.A on the CMI payment gateway on behalf of 7eme Avenue Hotels constitutes proof of all commercial transactions between you and the company 7eme Avenue Hotels.

Force Majeure

7eme Avenue Hotels is only bound to fulfill its obligations to the extent that no force majeure event impedes them.